Name: Eric Romero

Band: Clarity

Duty in the band: Guitarist

Eric Romero is one of the guitarists of Clarity. Ironically, I chose to interview the member of the band I know the least. I’ve known Jacob, Jesse, and Rene since about 8 years ago when their grind days were in full effect and bulging girl pants and haircuts scooped to the side was the thing (hahaha). As for Chris, I’ve known him for a couple years through the scene and members of one of his old bands turned out to be members of a couple of my current bands. I guess I can say we’ve been a huge jolly family filled with music. While I know Eric the least, it’s rad to say we’ve become friends through playing shows together, having lunch dates on campus in between classes, talking about music, and him notifying me of vinyl clearances at the shop he works at! No bullshit, Eric is one of my favorite local guitarists. His riffs can go from screaming aggression, to being slow and sensual, to I don’t even know! I definitely respect musicians who have a varied taste in music and his musicianship parallels that. Since the birth of his band, I constantly see improvement and I’m always stoked to see what this band is coming up with. Their demo EP, Winter, was released about a year ago and if you are reading this….check it out. Clarity consists of a bunch of great dudes and great musicians that offer lots for the scene and are helping put El Paso on the map. Take a listen to their tunes and stay updated. Here is Eric.


Would you rather gouge out one of your eyeballs with a blunt spoon or turn into Yogi bear…for life and no the sandwiches aren’t as amazing as you think?

Yogi Bear, easily!

Favorite authors?

Raymond Carver, Claudio Sanchez, and the great Roald Dahl

The Jedi or the Sith?

The Sith. Red lightsabers look like they hurt more.

Pocahontas or The Little Mermaid?

The Little Mermaid

Grape, strawberry, or orange marmalade?


If you joined Avenged Sevenfold would you rather be coined Eric Omen or ummmm Eric Crypt?

Eric Omen sounds so much smoother.

What do you normally eat for breakfast?

Gummy bears and gummy worms.

Gummy bears or Gummy worms?

Gummy bears. I bite their heads off first, then eat the rest.

Pet peeves?

Listening to other people eat.

Favorite video game as a child?

I had a couple, but Donkey Kong was up there. The SNES version, not the Mario/Donkey Kong game.

Dumbest prank you’ve ever pulled on anyone?

I suck at this question Chris!

What would your reaction  be if you pulled an all nighter from studying, you went to go shower, and Charles Manson was on your toilet reading the newspaper?

I’d probably shoot the shit with him. Pun intended.


What was your first instrument and when did you first start playing?

Trombone, in the 6th grade. I sometimes miss it, to be honest.

What made you want to play music?

At the time, I joined band because it was a requirement. It was either that, or Orchestra. I first started a band my Freshman year in high school, so my friends and I could pass the time.

5 albums you can say have changed your life until now?

Pollyanna, by Northstar

The Underground Is A Dying Breed, by Hot Rod Circuit

Building a Better _______ , by Park

Hell Is Empty, by RUINER

Fractures, by Killing the Dream

Each of these albums is extraordinarily important to me. It’s for every time I’ve picked up the guitar, and said to myself “I want to be in a band like this”, as awful as that may sound. They are consistently played from beginning to end, and I don’t ever see that changing.  I’m sure anyone would wish they could choose more than five, though. Narrowing down the number of albums that has changed my life is just too much of a challenge.

First album you can recall ever owning?

My dad gave me a bunch a long time ago. He gave me a Led Zeppelin boxset, and I remember playing the shit out of Physical Graffiti.

How many tattoos do you have and what are they?

Just two. Keywork “Heaven’s Fence” (Coheed and Cambria), and the Killing the Dream “Fractures” cover.

If you could improve any aspect of your musicianship, what would it be?

I wanna bring the shred. To this day, I can’t do a pinch harmonic to save my life. Seriously though, I think I would improve everything, always. There’s still so much to learn, and if ever I become satisfied with what I know so far, I know I’ll get bored.

Best band to listen to when you’re feeling down in the dumps?

Giants, Explosions in the Sky, Gifts from Enola, El Ten Eleven, etc. I like taking vocals out of the equation sometimes,  so I can focus more on what’s bothering me.

Name a couple guitarists that have influenced your style?

Dave Knudson of Minus the Bear

Matt Skiba of Alkaline Trio

Matthew Embree of RX Bandits

I know you said a couple, but I just couldn’t help myself. These were the dudes I looked up to while I was playing out of a Crate combo amp. They’re all phenomenal guitarists, in my opinion.

If you could be on any record label, what would it be?

Back then, Drive-Thru Records would have been sweet. Now, I have to say TopShelf. I know it’s a bit far fetched, but I love every band on their roster.

Where did we first meet? At the Naylair? I’m not saying I forgot or anything….I’d just like a little refresher.

It was at the Therefore I Am show the second time around. Don’t you remember we took a group picture?! THERE’S EVIDENCE CHRIS!

When are we going to improve our lunch date schedule?

Probably when we’re dead.

Your thoughts on the local music scene here in El Paso?

If you’re talking about the alternative country that has been cool for a while, or the quantum physics/algorithm metal or whatever, you would have to ask one of those guys, if you can catch them whenever they aren’t signing autographs.

If you’re talking about my friends, it’s one of the best things I’ve ever known. I’m so fortunate to have met and become buddies with so many awesome people because of it.

Bands you can’t stand?

Iron Maiden, Nirvana. There’s more. Oh is there more.

Toughest thing about being in a band?

Getting everyone together for practice. Shit’s tough.

Favorite show you’ve ever played?

The Mike Bird benefit show. Everyone coming together for someone they didn’t even know on a personal basis. Amazing.

Favorite show you’ve ever seen?

There are two. The first, RUINER, the second time around last spring. They played almost everything off Hell Is Empty. The second, Barbarian at their Heart Failure CD release show.


How and when did Clarity exactly start?

Naynay hadn’t known I listened to post-hardcore, older emo bands, post-rock, and so on. I remember talking to him outside the Hideaway Lounge after a show, and he was telling me he wanted to jam with me. So the next time I went over, it was Nay, Jacob and I, and we wrote our first song (Untitled). A little later, we decided to pull Jesse in to play bass, since he was already in bands with Nay and Jake at the time. After that was set, Chris came in to one of our practices and started writing. That was last summer. Shit just worked from then on.

Had you ever played with any of the other members in Clarity in any previous bands?

Nope. I always talked to Hoover (one of our mutual friends) about joining Highways when Mark moved, but they probably hated me at the time.

When I first saw you guys, I instantly was reminded of a mash up between a meaner Jimmy Eat World and a more modern sounding Daylight. Kind of like a Jimmy Eat World, Daylight chunky smoothie with whip cream on the top. What other bands have you guys been compared to?

Daylight is one. I’ve heard B&C, Texas Is the Reason, and Title Fight too. We change our sound so much, though.

I remember when you all started, Rene (other guitarist) asked me what I thought about the band name, Clarity. I instantly thought of Jimmy Eat World’s third album and he said that’s where you all got it from. Why the name Clarity?

I think we all came to an agreement because it’s so simple. That’s what we wanted anyway. But yeah, that album rules.

Which Jimmy Eat World album is your favorite? I myself am a Static Prevails/Bleed American boy.

Clarity. Goodbye Sky Harbor, that’s all I have to say.

Were there any other band name options?

Wethought about continuing as Terminal. I’m sure we all dig Clarity a lot more.

Who do you argue with the most in the band!

I don’t really argue with anyone. I’ve gotten along with everyone since the start. Some of the other dudes have had their scraps, but I think we’ve all been pretty civilized about it and that’s what I like most. We can just all get together and talk about what the fuck is wrong with one another.

What’s the Clarity writing process like? Do you normally write riffs by yourself and bring them to the table, or do you all write together during practice?

I usually come to practice with an opening riff and then we all work from there. I don’t like writing out whole songs and spoon-feeding parts. Nay is a great guitarist. Chris, an amazing writer and Jacob was practically born with sticks in his hands. And then there’s Jesse. Just kidding, he rules too. The most important part of being in a band, to me, is being able to put so much of yourself into it, and when I get carried away with a song, Nay will tell me.

Why was the Clarity EP called “Winter”?

Because it was released in December, and we lacked the creativity to think of a name for a 4 song demo burned on Jacob’s computer with CD-Rs.

Do you have any favorite songs to play live?

Treading Water. I go nuts with delay at the end. For newer stuff, though, I think I like Chalk the most.

I’ve listened to the tracks that Joey Garibay did for you guys. They sound great! What’s next?

Our split with Barbarian. We’re gonna get crazeee.

Any future touring plans?

You know it! Summer of 2020.

What are Clarity’s upcoming plans for 2012?

Hopefully after the split, we can go on to a full length, and then tour the shit out of it for the rest of our lives.

Eric. It’s over. At least this interview is. Any questions you have / last statements?

You better love me down for this. It took so long, Chris!

Thanks dude!

end? kidding.

You can check out their demo at I know some people can have a biased opinion on a band when they are such good friends, but I’d like this band even if I hated all of their guts. Good job boys.


