Name:  Kyle

Band:  Pianos Become The Teeth

Duties in the Band:  Singerrrrr

If you’re reading this then you probably know what Pianos Become the Teeth is all about. They are considered to be part of “The Wave” movement, a revival of post-hardcore, that includes other bands such as Touche Amore, La Dispute, Make Do and Mend, Defeater, and others. Whether you agree with the movement or whatever else I said…who cares. I remember having the opportunity to play with/watch Pianos here in El Paso, but I had to go out of town. Crushed…I was totally bummed. I was over in South Carolina and I thought to myself…hell I should check what route they’ve got going. And to my surprise they were going to roll through Greenville, SC. I asked my father if he’d like to go to his first “punk-rock” show (something besides the Eagles or Chicago) and he said “let’s do it”. My reaction… YES! I ended up seeing Pianos at Earshot Records on July 18, 2010 in Greenville, SC (sweet shop…support ‘em) and watched some SC natives called MIles Apart. The show was great. All the dudes were sweethearts and that show actually holds a special place in my heart because I was able to share it with my pops. I even have a flyer of that show stuffed into my Old Pride record. Anyways, enough of the sappy BS….here is Kyle speaking the truth. 


Favorite Color:

Green, burgundy, rust

Are you more of a Hans Solo, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Darth Vader type of guy?

I’d say I’m more of a skywalker, but I wish I was hans, he was smooth as butta.

Any favorite films you like, that you would suggest I watch?  

Watch No Country for Old Men

Favorite touring food?  

Peanut M&M’s.

Things you don’t leave your house without?  

A hat

Any childhood aspirations that are long gone?

Having my life together

Oreos or  Moonpies?  


If you could choose a few Hollywood celebrities to be your neighbors, who would you choose?

Master P, he has a gold elevator, SHAQ so i could sleep in his giant bed

Who would you rather hug, Chester the Cheetah or Smokey the Bear?



First time going to a show (Who, When, Where):  

Maybe Unwritten Law forever ago?

What was your first instrument and how were you exposed to it?  

I tried to learn piano, I never picked it up, my sister was great

Off the top of your mind, can you name a couple records that influenced you into being the musician you are today?  

Planes Mistaken for Stars - S/T.  Harvey Danger - Where Have All the Merrymakers Gone?

What are some records that you are playing constantly at the moment?  

Not to Reason Why, The Book of Hours & Make Do and Mend - End Measured Mile

Describe a challenge you faced and how you overcame it? Did music have a role in overcoming that obstacle in your life?

To keep it short, life is one huge challenge. Music is always there, but it won’t solve your problems. 

Any touring nightmares?

Blown transmission, being a heavier band at a ska show, diarrhea right before you play.

Any bands you’d like to tour with that you haven’t toured with yet?


How has touring/the life as a musician affected your life (for better and for worse)?  

Music is something I’ve always wanted to be a part of.  As you get older, your love for it either fades or grows.  My passion for it never left. Tour is the best but the older you are and the more you tour, the more responsibilities you have.  It’s all about having some sort of balance.

Pianos Become the Teeth

How exactly did the band form?  

Ex band members who still wanted to play music and started a band with the remainders.

How did the band name, Pianos Become the Teeth, come about?  

Our old drummer came up with it.  Everyone hates it. We don’t care. 

How has the chemistry of the band changed since you all took out the synth in the band? Since taking out the synth have you had to create more intricate pieces to fill up the sound a little more? Was there any reason behind the absence of the synth? (if it is personal – sorry!)

How dare you dude.  Sike.  Our best friend, Matt, used to play synth but he had to leave just because he had too much going on.  He was working on getting his phd in philosophy and becoming a teacher. He is a grown up. He was like the dad of the band. He left in a very gracious way. We are all still really good friends.  As a 5 piece now, I’d say our sound is just a little more stripped down.

Since the release of Saltwater, have you noticed any major changes in the way your band operates? It seems that one of the apparent changes is that touring has been way more constant after releasing Old Pride. How have you all adapted to that?

We had a huge lineup change after Saltwater.  We are good friends with all the old guys, but we just wanted to take the band a bit more seriously and push it as hard as we could. 

I know that some people loosely use the phrase “screamo” to categorize your band. Is that something that makes you cringe since “screamo” can sometimes be misconstrued as having a negative connotation in the realm of music? 

It doesn’t really bother us either way I guess. I think it can be limiting sometimes if someone already has their mind made up about a certain genre, but that’s inevitable.  

The move to Top Shelf Records seems like a perfect home!  Every single artist on their rules! Can you describe what it’s like to be on such a rad label?

We are so lucky to be a part of Topshelf.  Those dudes work so hard and care so much about this band.  Seth called me the other day just to shoot the shit.  They’re great.

Since we’re on the subject of Top Shelf label mates, can you guys discuss the process behind making the split with The Saddest Landscape? How did that exactly come about? Where you guys friends before the EP? Was the split a predetermined release that you had been planning for awhile or did it just spontaneously come up one day?

HAHA, that split was kind of a nightmare at first, just because TSL waited on us forever to write a song, then it just took forever to get pressed, etc… but it was those guys’ idea to do the split and we were honored to do it. We love those guys so much and we owe a lot to them.  Such a great band.  

Any exciting news you’re able to spill out for 2011? Please tell me you will be coming to El Paso soon!

El Paso is kind of scary but we will be back I’m sure.  As for 2011…a new record, and hopefully some awesome touring. We want to play the moon. 

What are your future plans for the band and for yourself whether it be your personal life/life on the road?  

I think we just want to take this band as far as we can.  I think most of us feel like this is our last crack at really pushing something with all our hearts.  This is our baby.  We always talk about how nice it would be if we were in this band and all like 18.  It would make life a little easier.  A lot of being in a band you are trying to take seriously is just accepting the fact that youre putting your life on hold until the band ends.

Is there anything else you would like to say in regards to your band, yourself, or anyone else out there that was not included in this interview?

Thanks for the time,  These were actually really good questions.


Alright…here goes my buy their sweet stuff speech (tongue twister). No but for reals, when I saw these dudes they were nothing but some humble, down to earth dudes. Even my dad said they were nice young men! Buy their stuff at Topshelf Records, Bear Distro, any other affiliated shop/distro or the next time you see them….or go fly out to Europe watch them play overseas Apr 7- Apr 24. Just do one of the first four mentioned. 

Next interview…I don’t know! Stay tuned. 



