Name: Jenna

Band: Unrest

Duty in the band: Vo_kills

On January 2, 2011, I had the opportunity of playing with Unrest. They’re a hardcore band hailing from Oklahoma. Another thing to point out is that they are a part of the vegan straightedge movement. Some people also refer to that particular lifestyle as being “vedge” or “xvx”. I have a bunch of friends that are either primarily straightedge or just straight up vegan, but it’s been pretty rare to meet someone who takes part in both movements. I guess I’ve always had friends who either didn’t get drunk but were super carnivores, or people who liked eating vegan foods but enjoyed downing alcohol. Either way, I definitely would say I got a crash course on that particular lifestyle and was educated as to what it actually entails. I am neither straightedge/vegan, but that didn’t detract any sort of interest I had in the band. In relation to Unrest’s music, I had absolutely no idea who they were or what they sounded like until the night of the show. I really enjoyed the music, and I felt as if their anger and their passion was captured as their set unraveled. They had spoken pieces about issues of society, straightedge/vegan culture, etc, before each song and while most people may be put off with that, I thought it was informative and heartfelt. More about Jenna and her band can be found in the interview.  


Favorite cartoon:

I would have to go with Daria, for sure. 

If you were an animal which would you be?

Some type of rodent, probably a prairie dog. They are adorable and greet each other with kisses. They are community orientated, live in underground burrows, and the noises they make to communicate are fascinating. 

High fives or hugs?


Depending on your last answer would you rather (hug or high five - answer from last question) Smokey the Bear or Chester the Cheetah?

I would give Chester the hand and mosh Smokey the Bear. 

Favorite SNES game?

Troll’s Super Island.

2012 is…

Hopefully the end.

What’s the first evil (or just super funny) prank that you’ve partaken in that comes to mind? 

I once stole a person’s diary from their house and passed it around school. It had ridiculous entries,but it was definitely an evil thing to do. I am usually the person getting pranked on. 

You’re on an island….there’s a massive coconut…how would you break it open? And no you can’t just throw it off a super high cliff. 

I would just use a rock to hit the middle part of the coconut in a circular motion until it cracked. 

I’m not trying to infer that you are a violent human being, but if you could punch any celebrity in the gut…who would it be? 

Probably Katy Perry. Homophobia always deserves a punch or two. 

Who would you rather have as your merch guy….Lemmy from Motorhead or Gene Simmons from Kiss? 

Gene Simmons is disgusting and I don’t know anything about Motorhead. I would rather have Joan Jett. 


What items don’t you leave home without?

Water bottle. Being thirsty is the worst.

Favorite part of touring? 

So many things! I think that two of the most important things hardcore/punk has so offer as a community is support and communication. When someone connects with a band, even if it’s just with a common feeling of frustration for the culture we live in, I think there is something very cathartic and empowering in that. Seeing friends and meeting new ones is another favorite.

Most dreaded part of touring? 

Having to deal with bros. 

When did you guys all become vegan?

I am not sure about everyone else, but I have been vegan for a little over four and a half years. It was the best decision I have ever made.

Favorite vegan snacks?

Dried mango or tings, but not together. 

I’m not very experienced with the consumption of vegan goods, but I’ve always assumed that vegan food is quite expensive. Is that a misconception that I’ve made just like the countless amount of other people? If it is expensive, how do you guys manage? 

I don’t understand why people think being vegan is so expensive. I spend way less money on food compared to people I know who are not. Besides that, I can’t think of anything better to spend your money on. A plant based diet is ideal for humyns, and the way to have optimal health.

Being a vedge band…I’m guessing touring can be tough. I’ve never been to a gasoline station that excelled in selling anything vegan. How do you guys cope with a lack of vegan friendly stores? Do you just stockpile the van? 

I don’t think being vegan has any impact on how our tour goes. We did keep the van pretty stocked, but you can can fruit and veggies pretty much anywhere. People were kind enough to makes us delicious food almost every place we went. 

I’m going to be straight up honest, I eat meat and consume alcohol. I consider myself a good dude. Do you consider me any different from others that don’t involve themselves in such activities? Rather than brewing a heated conversation as most people would, how would you educate me or others on how/why I should change?

I don’t know you, so I can’t really answer the first part of the question. As far as going vegan, I would assume that you have felt pain in your life, so why would you ever want to cause and support another living being to experience suffering? Animals have emotions and can feel pain just as you. We have no right to exploit the Earth and it’s inhabitants for our convenience. The worldview that encourages animal consumption is the same that justifies racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. It’s a vicious cycle and we have to assume responsibly to stop it. No form of oppression should be condoned and by consuming animals, that is exactly what a person does. "When people refuse to be numb and truly live the pain of this culture, it motivates action.“ This quote sums up straight edge perfectly. Sobriety is a tool for personal liberation. As tempting as it might be for some, numbing yourself to escape your problems is self-defeating. A clear mind enables us to act and be accountable for our actions. We must learn to be empowered by the pain we have to endure, to use it as a means of resistance, creation, and revolution. 


How did the band name, Unrest, come about? 

Besides just sounding cool? It’s a Disrupt reference. 

Chokehold and Earth Crisis, two vegan-straightedge bands, must have been super influential for you guys and how you operate. Are there any other bands that may have had a similar impact on how they influenced you guys? 

Bikini Kill, Crass, Inside Out, Anti-Product, Spitboy, Trial, Gather, Catharsis, Throwdown, and One King down are a handful of bands that we’ve been influenced by.

I enjoyed the spoken word pieces each of you discussed after each song. Does each piece usually foreshadow/lead up to the theme of the next song or is it just a generalized feel for what you guys are all about? 

I think it depends on the show’s atmosphere on what we talk about. We try to talk to about the songs subject matter frequently to communicate what our message is. 

I’m sure some people sometimes are completely put off by the whole vegan/straightedge culture. While I do not identify personally with either one, I definitely respect both views. Does it ever get frustrating when you have a show and no one has any type of interest in either movement?

Our band politics extend farther than being vegan straight edge. As I mentioned earlier, we recognize all forms of oppression to be interconnected. Intoxication culture and speciesism are two issues our band focuses on. We are anarcho-primitivists, atheists, radical feminists, queer identified. Those ideas shape us just as much as being vegan straight edge. The things that most frustrates me at our shows would be the lack of concern many people have for anything besides themselves (don’t mosh like an asshole).

After touring, have you noticed that certain regions of the US are more involved in the vegan/edge culture?

I would have to say that California seems to be the hot spot for the vegan straight edge.

What are a couple things that you would like to change about your local scene in Oklahoma? Is there anything that you absolutely love about it? 

First, it’s extremely stagnant. The perspective is suburban, straight, white, and male, which is very limiting. I’m uncomfortable that there aren’t more people/experiences represented. It is more centered around being cool as opposed to something productive or therapeutic. I am in constant conflict with people that go to shows most of the time, but I am not too concerned about it though. I think when you begin to challenge societal norms in the Bible Belt, it’s to be expected. That being said, I have met wonderful people through being apart of the hardcore community in Oklahoma. I have some really supportive friends, and I can’t imagine where I would be if it wasn’t for them. The people that do support us do so whole heartily.

Which bands influence you guys individually? Sure there are some bands that influence the band collectively, but are there any bands that stick out that characterize you personally to an extent? 

Bikini Kill completely changed my life. Once someone named all of these horrible things I had gone through as a product of hetero-patriarchy, that it was completely fucked up, and told me I had every right to be angry about it was incredible. Things started to click in my head. They gave me confidence to construct my own identity, to not feel alone in my pain and depression. Their music is about survival. I also love Seven Angels Seven Plagues a dumb amount. I’ve been listening to a lot of Distressed lately. Lyrically they are one of my favorite bands. I think it’s impossible to listen to them and not mosh. 

Since we’re on the topic of bands, which bands would you absolutely love to tour with? Dead or alive? 

Every band that has been mentioned!

It’s totally rad that you guys made tapes for your demo! Most bands make the traditional CD-R for a demo. Was their any special reasoning besides making tapes? I’m a huge vinyl junkie. Do you guys ever plan on releasing the demo on a 7”?

It was the person who put out our demos idea for tapes, but we were all pleased with his decision. He did an amazing job putting everything together. I think we do plan to release our music on vinyl eventually; I am not sure if we will release the demo on a 7” though. 

What are the future plans for the band? 

Write new songs, record, tour, cause a ruckus. 

I guess that wraps it up! Anything else you would like to include?



This was my first interview with a female and a person who is either straightedge/vegan. It’s super rad to have bands that may have certain ideals or identify with certain cultures, but their music stands completely on their own. I would recommend that everyone downloads their demo off their bandcamp…’s free and these days what’s free in America? Nothing. Get on it, ya have nothing to lose and something to gain.




