Name: Thomas Acosta

Band: Barbarian

Duty in the Band: Vocalist

What can I say about Barbarian? I think they’re one of the most talented and hardest working bands the local scene of El Paso has to offer, and I am privileged to say that they are my friends. I’ve lost count as to the amount of shows I’ve played with Barbarian….but I’m still amazed by their stage presence and heart every time they play. It doesn’t surprise me to see a ton of people wearing Barbarian shirts. Not only do they play with any type of band, but they will play anywhere, and they will melt your face off no matter the amount of people that are watching them. That definitely earns some points in the massive respect category. Despite the countless amount of shows I’ve either played with Barbarian or seen as a fan, I never get bored and my neck still gets sore from head banging. I always tell everyone I know to see a Barbarian show. Not because you’ll probably see bodies being thrown across a room during their set, but because there are very little bands that exist that parallel the energy that they put off when playing live. They’re definitely not your ordinary hardcore band and whether you like heavy music or not…you need to see them. If you’re sleeping on it, you’re fucking up. Here’s Thomas, the vocalist of Barbarian, answering an interview I did with him.


Hot sauce or BBQ sauce?

Hot sauce definitely

If you were locked inside a frozen meat locker how would you get out?

Try and wait it out until someone came and opened the door, or I would cut a little pouch in a giant slab of meat and hide in it.

Favorite ice cream?

Lime sherbet

Favorite cereal?

A long time ago Oreos had a cereal. It was awesome!

Guilty pleasures?

Too many to name haha. Listening to 90’s pop hits, moshing in my room, playing pokemon, catching weird and giant bugs, talking like Danzig and the list goes on and on. I’m kind of a weird dude.

Would you rather snort a live bee or dress up as King Tut for every Barbarian show for a year?

The King Tut deal would be pretty sweet haha.

Would you rather convert Barbarian into a bearded Rihanna cover band called Barbarihannian or play Barbarian extremely drunk and have to sing all the lyrics in Spanish?

I would say be a Rihanna cover band, but singing in Spanish would be pretty sweet too!

I haven’t been up to date with Pokemon ever since it came out, but for the Pokemon lovers out there….if you were a Pokemon who would you be?

If I was a Pokemon I would probably be a Geodude hanging in caves, breaking stuff, waiting for other Pokemon to pass by so I could battle them.

Raves are _____________ ?

Stupid as fuck

Who do you relate with most…. Jay, Silent Bob, or Dante?

Silent Bob, haha just chillin, going on adventures, and when the time comes around I speak my mind.

What’s the best question you’ve ever been asked? Like in life…not one of my goofy questions that I just asked or that I randomly text you.

When I was little, my neighbor who is a grown adult asked me if I believed in homework. I thought it was hilarious and I was completely mind blown for the rest of the day. Mother fucker I am a little kid, I don’t got time for that bullshit


Do you remember going to your first show? How was it? Who played?

My first show was an all local show with Soma, Rome Never Rises, A Day To End, Yarbrough, and a few others. It was pretty cool. Seemed like everyone was really good friends back then except me. I didn’t know anyone. I always went to shows by myself.

What got you into being a vocalist?

I can say that not having the ability to play an instrument got me into being a vocalist.

Which vocalists have influenced you the most?

Ben Cook- No Warning, Todd Mackey- With Honor, and Jeffrey Moreira- Poison the Well

Where would you say that your inspiration comes from?

It comes from feeling hurt and being angry all the time

Do you play other instruments? If not, would you like to learn any?

I think I got some pretty good rhythm. I would think I could play the bass.

What was the first record that you ever had?

I think it was either Bush-Sixteen Stone or Savage Garden hahah

What are a couple records that you are currently blasting right now?

Suburban Scum- Internal War, Alpha and Omega- Life Swallower, Notorious BIG- Ready to Die, Northstar- Pollyanna

What would you say is the toughest thing about being in a band?

The toughest part about being in a band is trying to get everyone in the band the right information on shows.

What would you say is the most satisfying thing about being in a band?

The most satisfying thing about being in a band is having people relate to what your saying. It lets you know that what you’re writing isn’t complete bullshit.

What are some of your pet peeves?

Hypocrites, big mouths, bigheaded people, and selfishness.

How do you manage with booking shows at the Naylair and playing constantly with Barbarian?

Honestly I don’t know haha. It all just comes together.

Are there any shows that you have seen or played that stand out the most to you? Which ones would you choose?

Seeing With Honor in Abilene, Texas was awesome. As for playing shows, there is nothing like people going off during your set.

Given that you would have unlimited resources, what would your dream show be?

My dream show would be playing a fest with all our favorite bands here in El Paso, Texas and everyone setting it off. Stage dives, massive pit, and everyone just having a great time.


When did Barbarian first start up?

Barbarian started in late 2008 into 2009

How did Barbarian get its name?

My friends and I were joking around and I said something like, “I’m going to hit the stage like a Barbarian” and that’s pretty much were it came from.

What bands would you say have influenced Barbarian the most?

I would say Poison the Well, and anything 90’s.

Who does Barbarian get compared to most? Let’s say Barbarian was the lovechild of two bands you guys were compared to, who would your mama and papa be?

I don’t know. We have never been compared to any band. I guess we are orphans haha.

Would you say that your lyrical content has a particular subject matter? What exactly would it be?

Our songs are just about being hurt, and being pissed off all the time. Upset with the hand we have been dealt

It’s rad to see kids know the words to so many songs such as “Misery”, “Comfort” and so many more. Do you think it’s because people can relate to what you’re saying?

I would really hope so. I write what I feel and it feels good to know that there is someone out there who feels the same as I do.

Is/are their any particular Barbarian song/s that you would say have a profound effect on who you are or that “hit home”?

I would say “Lifetimes” would hit home really good. It’s about trying to be the best person you can be but it’s never enough for some people.

If a Barbarian was a specific animal what would it be?

Haha I can see us being a porcupine. If rubbed the wrong way you could end up getting hurt.

If there was a Barbarian burger what would it be?

We would probably be a McDouble and a chicken sandwich put together to make an ultimate burger.

If El Paso was given a major league sports team ala the El Paso Barbarians, what type of team would they be? Soccer, hockey, football, basketball, etc?

We would be a soccer team. Somehow there is always a soccer ball involved with us haha.

I’m having a little too much fun wondering what a Barbarian would be if it were other tangible items. Time to be serious. If you could describe Barbarian in one word what would it be and why?

Ruthless- when I have the mic in my hand it’s like a loaded gun. I’m not holding hostages, I’m firing the gun.

How would you describe the Heart Failure material vs. the new stuff you guys are writing? I’d say it’s a little more fast paced and Cruel Hand-ish but hey that’s just me.

Heart “Failture” is a collection of old songs written about being hurt many times. Our new stuff for WORLD GONE WRONG is about fighting the battle within yourself and trying to get over everything. Yeah I can say we have some Cruel Hand sounding parts but it is what it is…fast and pissed. I can say the way we are writing now is how Barbarian was supposed to write from the start. It took some time, but I can say we are all pretty happy and excited for where we are headed.

Do you guys plan to record that material anytime soon? Would you say that it will vary vastly from Heart Failure?

Yes, we do plan on recording as soon as possible. We will do it all by ourselves. If anyone is looking for it we will have it.

Who would you guys like to tour with?

Any of our awesome friend bands in El Paso, TX as long as we could accomplish it.

What does the future hold for Barbarian?

More music, touring, awesome hang outs, 90’s dance music and funny dancing.

When all is said and done, what would you like to be remembered for?

I would like for us to be remembered as a band that kept it true and had very good stage presence.

I think I’m done. Do you have any questions about me, this interview, shout outs, anything at all? Thomas you are a gentleman and I will probably play a show with you or see you at a show very soon. Thanks!

1 question: Would you rather rub mayo all over your body and let Rosie O'Donnell lick it off, or have sex with a watermelon filled with ants?

Shout out to all our friend bands, El Paso, Texas, and all our haters. I be seeing you real soon.

As for the “would you rather” question, I’m not sure if Thomas had previously known that I hate mayo…but I dislike mayo…big time. Sure I’ll eat it if I have no other choice, but gross (sorry Dad and all you mayo lovers). I can’t say that I like Rosie O’Donnell either. I would ultimately pick the mayo/Rosie option because I don’t want to be a victim of genital mutilation. But then again it depends on the species of ants. If they are meat eating ants like Bullet Ants, my genital/rib eye region would be non-existent, but maybe playground/sandbox ants wouldn’t hurt that much? But ya mayo/Rosie all the way. However….if Thomas would have worded the question as me licking mayo off Rosie or the ants….then that’d be a toughy! I’d be traumatized either way!


Thomas crackes me up and he’ll also crack your skull in the pit. Just kidding…kinda. Thomas is not only a great front man and a great support for the local scene in El Paso, but is also a great friend. Clear proof that you always meet rad people when going to shows. Support Barbarian, support going to local shows, and support houses like the Naylair that that help out touring bands. I’ve said the word, “support”, so much that if I say it again I’m going to be paying child support without even having a kid.

Thank yaaaa



