Illustration: Jazz Torrez / Text: Skipp White

Illustration: Jazz Torrez / Text: Skipp White

Bands/Duties: Marked Men (bass/sing occasionally), Low Culture (guitar/sing), Germ House (bass), Hotman (guitar/sing/make poetry)


What would you say your spirit animal is? My spirit animal would be a unicorn, because I am mysterious, and full of fantasy, and I may or may not exist.

You’re a big Kiss fan. What would your Kiss face paint look like if you were a part of the Kiss Army?

My KISS make-up would probably be another form of a cat or simply the cat part II, why mess with perfection.

What would the younger version of Joe tell the current Joe?

The younger version of Joe would tell the current Joe that he is surprised that current Joe is a semi-fully functioning adult. Younger Joe would also tell current Joe that girls are scary; cur­rent Joe would tell younger Joe the same thing. I could make an entire interview about this question.

How do you like your coffee served? I drink my hot coffee black and served in a mug, or other acceptable coffee holding receptacle, I will drink iced coffee with some half and half and in a glass (preferably made of glass) with a lot of ice.


Who are some your favorite songwriters?

A lot of my favorite songwriters are honestly a lot of my close friends, and others that I have played music with over the years, I am very lucky to be able to play in bands and be friends with song writ­ers who I feel have just had “the gift”, they can turn a phrase so well, or they can use their cleverness to describe feelings, a story, or a situation in remarkable ways that make me feel like “I get it”. Two songwriters who I do not know and respect so, so, much are Mark Kozelek (Red House Painters, Sun Kill Moon), and Dean Wareham (Galaxie 500, Luna).

What’s the most memorable show you have seen as a spectator?

Attending my first show and string of shows in El Paso when I was 17 were all memorable, everything was so new to me. My favorite bands were the local bands, and I was amazed by the talent. Those bands changed my life because I was able to see that my goal of simply playing in a band in front of people was accessible.

You have toured pretty extensively and have travelled over various regions over the years. Where would you like to play that you haven’t gone to yet?

There are places in the country I would like to play again like Chattanooga,TN, and Olympia,WA, both places that have awesome shows but I played on off nights. As far as places I have never been, maybe Bloomington, IN, Asheville, or Chapel Hill, NC. As far as abroad, anywhere really, I love traveling and seeing other cultures and other places, I would have never seen much of anything including the states if I was not fortunate to tour.

You’ve played on a boat before, right? What other weird places/spots have you played? I have played on boats a few times. It is common in Europe. This last time in Germany was really awesome because we played as the boat was mov­ing, which gave me terrible sea legs for I feel like weeks. I am not sure if I have really played anywhere too weird or strange. Most places in Europe are weird and strange anyway because they are so old and have such rich histories. I think play­ing certain punk houses like Lost Cross in Carbondale, and other “legendary” punk houses has been really cool and unique in a way. I was able to play Gilman St. and while it was a somber night it was something really cool to play.


