Band: Triumph Over Shipwreck.
Duties: Drums / Vocals.
When you were a little kid, what did you dream of becoming?
Hmm, I always wanted to be a mechanical engineer. Boy, what happened?!
You’re a rhythm machine, but does your ability to maintain a groove behind a drum set transfer over to the dance floor?
Honestly, I was a dancing machine growing up. Michael Jackson, Mc Hammer. I still got the moves.
Candy bars or fruit snacks?
Fruit snacks, easy.
If you were a car, what type of car would you be?
Honda Element, versatile AF.
How would you explain your music to someone who has never heard it?
Controlled chaos. Like shaking a bottle of soda.
Are there any influences in your drumming that most people wouldn’t notice when listening to your music?
I’m really big on gospel chops. Chris Coleman, Spanky McCurdy. I never really grew up on the old school metal stuff. I’m into hella R&B too. Aretha Franklin is bae.
Which drummers have inspired you the most?
Jon Karel, The #12 Looks Like You. Dude literally called me everyday when I was going through some hard times. Really kept me going. Not only is he down to earth but Jon is an amazing musician.
You have been in a band with multiple lineups. What would you say has kept you continuing to play and continuing to perform with the same band?
”If music is your “God”, you better bow to it. “ - Jon Karel. He told me that when TOS was about to break up a while back. Since then I’ve buckled down and let TOS become its own beast. We are simply along for the ride.
What have you learned the most from being in a band?
I’ve learned to really appreciate others and life in general. We have seen a lot thanks to music. Met a lot of great people from different backgrounds and areas. It’s mind blowing. Without music I think I would have been stuck wondering what else was out there.