
Illustration: Jazz Torrez / Text: Skipp White

Band: Nalgadas

Duties: “Drummer”, Village Idiot, Pseudo-manager


Favorite Black Sabbath album?

VERY tough question, but I’ll go with VOL. 4 since I have a tattoo of it.

Do you shampoo your beard?

Bar soap! Only the best...ZEST!

How did your nickname “chief” come about?

I honestly don’t remember why I started calling everyone “Chief”, but I did, and that just stuck as a nickname. I’ve tried to stop doing it, but that will probably never happen.

You also call people “chief”. Is that name reserved for friends or loved ones? Or is everyone a “chief”?

Everyone’s always a Chief!

I know that you’re a big Dallas Cowboys fan. What position would you play if you were recruited onto their squad?

Receiver or cornerback/safety. My only regret in life is not playing football.

Music / Band

How many years have you been playing the drums?

14, but someone that’s been playing for months could probably do what I do.

How did the name Nalgadas come about?

We wanted a name in Spanish that English-speakers would maybe have trouble with, and something that was stupid/funny and didn’t sound pretentious. I think we went overboard with the stupid part with this name, though.

Where there any other close runner-ups for a band name or was Nalgadas the clear winner?

There were a couple of stupid names that were thrown out there and I said Nalgadas more as joke, really. But everyone liked it, so it stuck.

Booking shows can be awesome but it can also be a pain. Are there any shows that are super sentimental / just plain memorable to you?

The 3 So Sick Fests really stick out because they were so much work, having so many bands, so much fun, etc. Honestly, the best ones to me have been when you just connect with people and you end up becoming friends and meeting so many new, different people. It’s just cool to be able to book bands that you’re already into. That makes it that much easier.

Sometimes there are off nights, but what do you think ultimately stops people from going to shows?

I say this a lot and I don’t know if people understand what I’m say­ing. But here (Juarez/EP) I think people take this stuff seriously sometimes, but not seriously enough. When you’re in the mood, it’s easy. When you’re not, there’s al­ways an excuse. It becomes more of a phase or a hobby. I think that and just petty competition/hate is what ultimately stalls whatever “scene” there really could be


