
Illustration: Jazz Torrez / Text: Skipp White

Band(s): Miijas, Pris (Las Cruces)

Duties: Drums mostly, guitar and bass in others. Booking shows/tours. Asking incredibly talented friends for favors in designing merch, getting shows, food/lodging. Amateur silkscreening shirts and patches, dubbing tapes/burning cds.


Tell me something random.

Captain Crunch cuts the roof of your mouth.

Favorite skater(s)?

John Cardiel, Leo Romero, Jason Lee, Gonz, and all the homies that rip!

Favorite horror movie(s)?

The Exorcist, Suspiria, Anything with Dracula (From Hammer to the Monster Squad, if it has Dracula I love it)

Broken sticks and broken boards. Which is more painful?

Sticks on the hands, boards on the wallet.

Who are some people that you look up to – music and non-music related?

All my friends that work hard so that they can they pursue their passion. My parents.

Music / Band

Are there any drummers that you modeled your drumming after when you were growing up?

Adam Carson from AFI, and Danzig-era Chuck Biscuits. Watch live videos of Chuck and you’ll see I’m basically just ripping him off.

Worst show that you have ever played?

Joplin, Missouri - 2007. I was threatened by a dude with a baseball bat before the show, and only three people came (the promoter, a guy that used to work there, and a homeless guy). Met some cool touring buddies though and got a show with them the next night instead of having the night off.

Best show that you have ever played?

Bat/Caves tape release was a blast. The last Mainstreet Project show was good (Hallowed Ground set, not the NYA one) Pris at the last Trainyard show was rad too. But it’s too hard to say any one of my favorite shows I’ve gotten to play in particular was my favorite.

How has the local scene changed over the years?

Aside from countless venues opening and closing over the years, I think the scene goes through interesting waves of digging deep into the underground, finding a comfort­able spot, and then getting bored until its time to dig deeper again.

What do you think can improve the scene?

Showing up earlier so the shows don’t start at 11. I’m totally guilty of showing up late though so I should definitely listen to my own advice.


