Illustration: Jazz Torrez / Text: Skipp White
Band: The Recovery Mission, and Takanakuy.
Duties: Drummer
Tacos or burritos? TACOS!!! I make the best!!!
Favorite local venue that you have ever played at? Tricky Falls!!! The sound’s got balls!!!
What are some of your hobbies outside of the realm of music? Cooking, mountain hikes, drinking that 40 while walking the pup.
Technology is the zombifacation of modern humans.
You have played in a well versed variety of bands. Are there any genres of music you would like to explore that you haven’t experimented with yet? Latin jazz and cumbias!
How do locals shows differ now then how they used to be 10 years ago?
There were less hipster and “hardcore” based bands and more of a variety of other more experimental genres. Seems the scene is narrowing it down to a select few. What ever is IN, I guess...
The first time I ever saw you play was with The Maximus at a roller skating rink. What other “uncommon” locations have you played shows at?
Uncommon location? Good question! Can’t come up with a place that we played where it was uncommon. It’s been well over a decade!!! Generation 2000??? I wish... In togas too!
Besides being a drummer, you also play the guitar and play with synths/drum machines. Ever thought of creating a solo album?
An album? Yes!! Electronically, and guitarically, if that’s a word, which I just made up... I have a good half hour worth of original music on guitar. Just either need a good drummer or means of recording to introduce it. I’m all for the idea, and ready!
What would you like to see more of as far as the local scene goes?
As far as seeing more of something of the local scene?? I’d like to see ‘more’ OF LESS of those who bitch about supporting the local scene, and who never go out to support anything at all. Where are those muthafuckas at? They know who they are...