Episode 16: Brian Cook (Russian Circles, Sumac, These Arms are Snakes, Botch)
“If it came out between 1980 and 1986 and it’s a soft rock ballad then I probably dig it.”
Episode 15: Jim Ward (Sparta, At the Drive In, Sleepercar)
“My appreciation of songwriting I think comes a lot from Billy Joel and Tom Petty. That sort of generation of songwriters”
Episode 14: Abbey Davis (Oryx)
“I started with Kill ‘Em All by Metallica. That was kind of my intro heavy metal album. I learned that while I was learning how to drive stick and two of those things together was so much fun.”
Episode 13: Ben Verellen (Helms Alee, Harkonen, Verellen Amplifiers)
“When I went to school, it was like what do I want to learn? I want to know how that fuzz pedal sounds so cool.”
Episode 12: Tristan Jemsek (Dogbreth)
“Pearl Jam was my first concert and one of my first CD’s was Ten. I loved grunge growing up.”
Episode 11: KT Neely (girlgoyle)
“Sometimes music can be so fragile and by being alone singing and playing guitar, I’m able to be a little more honest with myself and the person who’s listening to me.”
Episode 10: Dylan Walker (Full of Hell, Sightless Pit, Ramuh)
“It was always something that I wished for in my heart of hearts. That I could just play shows everyday and make music.”
Episode 09: Boot Arreola (BA Ferguson Guitars)
“I want people to know this is coming from my heart and my hands.”
Episode 08: Ryan Ratajski (Fuzzrocious Pedals)
“Balance is at the core of what everything is, and if you don’t feel right then something is out of balance.”
Episode 07: A Claire Slattery (DJ, Hell Yes It’s Vegan)
“I’m always kind of looking for opportunities and ways to insert myself into projects and ideas that I care about.”
Episode 06: Raheem Jarbo (Mega Ran)
“I would sit my toy recorder next to the TV and record video game themes. Then I would put them on a cassette and listen to them later or take them to school on a Walkman.”
Episode 05: Mauricio Pastor (Full Circle Tattoo)
“Proximity for me is the biggest influence. Watching other people’s processes of how they’re able to achieve a particular outcome in whatever it is.”
Episode 04: Justin Pearson (The Locust, Dead Cross, Deaf Club, Head Wound City, Some Girls, Three One G)
“I never dreamt of being a musician or any kind of artist. It kind of just happened.”
Episode 03: Tyler Broderick (Diners)
“I was so into AC/DC when I was twelve years old that I just wanted to rock.”
Episode 02: Eric Reed (Alabama Deathwalk)
“There’s a lot of feelings about what it looks like to devillainize yourself in your own eyes.”
Episode 01: Mike Sifuentes (Miijas, Pris)
“I remember hearing Black Sabbath and as a kid just feeling the weight of these riffs”